vCD 9.1 Just Went GA with Great New Features
Although vCloud Director 9.1 is released less than 6 months after vCloud Director 9.0, it is packed with tons of enhancements and new features. It is hard to believe it is just a minor release. Below is a recap of the top feature of the vCD 9.0 release: HTML 5 Tenant Portal Enhancement. While in vCD…
vCloud Director Client Integration Plugin is not working
I have been asked repeatedly lately on how to get the vCloud Director Client Integration Plugin (CIP) working. I wanted to put this post out there to help you getting it working in no time. It is important to note that, the Client Integration Plugin (CIP) is only needed in vCD to carry out import…
VMware vCloud Availability for vCloud Director 2.0 what’s new
vCloud Availability 2.0 is available for download today here. vCloud Availability for vCloud Director 2.0 delivers the following key enhancements: vSphere 6.5 Support: Added support for vSphere 6.5 on the service provider side. This was missing in the previous release and many service providers were looking for it. The supported vSphere versions on the tenant side…
vCloud Director 9.0 is Ready for Download
vCloud Director 9.0 has been announced at VMworld with some exciting enhancements. I am positive most of our VCPP (VMware Cloud Partner Program) partners will be looking forward to many of these features. Just in case you have missed it, VCPP (VMware Cloud Partner Program) is the new name for the VCAN(vCloud Air Network) Program. In this…
VMware Cloud Availability Compatibility Matrix
VMware Cloud Availability (vCAv) is a solution provided by VMware to Service Providers to offer DRaaS with VMware Cloud Director(vCD) as a target. Two features that makes VMware vCloud Availability valuable to service providers are: It support multi-tenancy out of the box: This means the Service Provider will not have to acquire a separate hardware…
vROPS Tenant App for VCD 1.0 is GA
The announcement of vROPS Tenant App for vCloud Director 1.0 is a great news to our vCloud Air Network Partners. vRealize Operations Tenant App for vCloud Director 1.0 is GA as of August 23, 2017! Now you can provide your customers with a better self-service monitoring solution that they were asking you for. This will…
vRealize Automation 7.3 what’s new?
vRealize Automation 7.3 has been released today with tons of new capabilities and features (>20 Spotlight Features). In this post, I will highlight several of these new enhancements to introduce you to what you can get by upgrading to vRA 7.3. I hope this will help you find out if the features you are looking…
How to combat WannaCry Ransomware attack with VMware NSX
If you have not heard about the WannaCry Ransomware attacks lately, you need to get your head out of the sand for a bit longer. It sounds like this new Ransomware which take over the victom machine and encrypt their files and ask for a Bitcoin payment to give control back over their machine is…
vRealize Automation 7 Property Dictionary Relationship
In the past I have documented how to do vCloud Automation 6.x Property Dictionay and Property Dictionary relationship in a post that was well recieved and got quite popular which can be found at: vCAC 6 Property Dictionary Relationship. I have meant to do the same for vRA 7 Property Dictionary Relationship for sometime as…
Host Profiles – Number of ipv4 routes did not match
As we have setup a new cluster of four ESXi 6.5 hosts, we have extracted a host profile from one of the hosts that we have setup to my customer corporate standards. After applying that host profiles to the other three hosts, we were able to quickly resolove all non-compliant issues except one where it…
Integrating VMware NSX 6.3 with vRealize Automation 7.2
There is many reasons why you would want to integrated your vRA with NSX including on demand networking and security. If you have found this page, you probably had already figured out your reason, so I am not going to spend much time on that. Let’s get to how to do it! In order to…
How to Configure vRealize Automation 7.x Management pack in vRealize Operations Manager
The installation of vRealize Operations Manager Management Pack for vRealize Automation is a popular ask due to the benefit of in depth monitoring of vRA offered by vROPs. The vRealize Automation Management Pack for vRealize Operations Manager is very quick to configure as long you know the steps and permissions required. In this post, I…
Vote for the VMware CTO Ambassadors VMworld 2017 Submissions
As the VMware CTO Ambassadors program is made off just over 140 of the top VMware field talents, sessions submitted by this group are usually top notch and of great interest to our customers/partners. I wanted to collect all of these sessions in one spot to allows others in the community to recognize them and…
My VMworld 2017 VVD – NFV – SDN session
It’s that time of the year, where it is your chance to vote for the sessions you would like to see at VMworld. This year, I have submitted six VMworld Sessions focusing on VMware Validated Design (VVD), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Software Defined Networking (SDN). I hope you find few you will like and vote…
vRA Installation Error: Another instance of the component is already installed on this server.
While I have been installing vRA lately as a part of a VMware Validated Design engagement using the Automated Deployment Tool, my vRA deployment tool failed as the DBA has not provided the right permissions on the SQL box required to install vRA. The error received at that moment was: “Error occurred while executing SQL…